The one and only... Big Oly Bronco

"As Many of you know, I've been a Ford guy for most of my career - whether it was racing a Ford product or a race car powered by Ford - and over the years, I had some pretty good success. When I decided to reduce my oval track and road racing schedules, an opportunity came my way via my old friend Bill Stroppe, who at a party one night, challenged me to try off-road racing. My reaction was that I didn't think that it would be my bag. Whereupon Bill, ever the master at goading someone on, replied that I probably wasn't man enough. Well, that was like waving a red flag at a bull, and Bill got exactly what he wanted. The rest, as they say, is history."

- Parnelli Jones

Parnelli Jones portrait with the Big Oly Ford Bronco photo by Boyd Jaynes

Parnelli Jones jumping the Big Oly Ford Bronco race truck in 1970

Excerpt from "Ford Bronco, A History of Ford's Legendary 4x4" by Todd Zuercher.

Images Copyrighted Boyd Jaynes 

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